Step 1: Open Server and get the root access
Sudo su –
version of Matillion installed
# yum list installed Matillion*
NOTE: There are 2 files shown. These two files need to be
updated for upgrading Matillion.
Step 3: Refresh the package present in local yum
3.1 Execute the below command to check the
existing/predownloaded package available in local library. It shows both files.
# yum list available matillion-emerald –showduplicates
latest package, the library needs to get cleared and re downloaded.
# yum list available matillion-emerald-cdata –showduplicates
# yum list available matillion-emerald –showduplicates
has to be in same order.
4.1 Installing the 1st package Noarch
# yum update matillion-emerald-1.59.11-1
Type y and press ENTER
4.2 Installing the 2nd Package C-data
# yum update matillion-emerald-cdata-1.59.11-2
Type y and press ENTER
4.3 Check the updated version
# yum list installed matillion*
Step 5: Check for tomcat services are up and running
# service tomcat8 status
Step 6: Login into Matillion site and check for the
updated version.