28. AWS Abuse team



Abuse team
can assist you when AWS resources are being used to engage in the
following types of abusive behavior:   


You are receiving unwanted emails from an AWS-owned IP address, or AWS
resources are being used to spam websites or forums.

Port scanning:

Your logs show that one or more AWS-owned IP addresses are sending packets to
multiple ports on your server, and you believe this is an attempt to discover
unsecured ports.

Denial of service attacks (DOS):
Your logs show that one or more AWS-owned IP
addresses are being used to flood ports on your resources with packets, and you
believe this is an attempt to overwhelm or crash your server or software
running on your server.   

Intrusion attempts:

Your logs show that one or more AWS-owned IP addresses are being used to
attempt to log in to your resources.

Hosting objectionable or copyrighted content:
You have evidence that AWS resources are
being used to host or distribute illegal content or distribute copyrighted
content without the consent of the copyright holder.

Distributing malware
You have evidence that AWS resources are being used to distribute software that
was knowingly created to compromise or cause harm to computers or machines on
which it is installed.