2.6 PowerCenter 9.6.1 Installation Steps

Informatica Power Center 9.6.1 Installation Steps  **************************************************

Table of Contents


This document is for informatica administration team, providing the detailed steps on installation of Power Center 9.6.1 on Linux & Oracle Environment.

Pre Installation Steps     

Download Software

Download Software from informatica
Corporation and make sure to get proper keys based on environment (Dev/ Prod).

Download Software

Download Software

Set the  open_cursors parameter to 1000
SHOW parameter open_cursor;
———– ——————————
integer     300
ALTER system SET open_cursors=1000;
System altered.
ALTER system SET open_cursors=1000 SCOPE=BOTH;
System altered.
SHOW parameter open_cursors;
———– ——————————
integer     1000


At least two database user accounts (Domain and Repository) are required to host repository, Taking sample names as USER_REP for the repository Database USER_DOM for the domain Configuration Database Both user need to create with the CONNECT, RESOURCE, and CREATE VIEW privileges. For Oracle, you must perform the following instruction:



tablespace users

tablespace temp

unlimited ON users;





tablespace users

tablespace temp

unlimited ON users;




The grant “select dictionary
privilege” to the user INFA_DOM is only needed to verify the parameter
Open_Cursor during the prerequisite check.

Repository Table-space

Set the storage size for the
table-space to a small number to prevent the repository from using an excessive
amount of space.

Also verify that the default
tablespace for the user that owns the repository tables is set to a small size.
The following example shows how to set the recommended storage parameter for a
tablespace named PC_TABLESPACE.


Operating System


Verify that the process match the
software (x86_64)

Display the
Linux platform =  uname – p

List the basic
system information, OS release, and OS version  = uname -orv

-bash-3.2$ uname -p


-bash-3.2$ uname –arv


ServerName 12.66.18-164.el5 #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 04:15:13 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64
x86_64 GNU/Linux

Temporary Disk Space Requirements

The installer writes temporary files
to the hard disk. When the installation completes, the installer deletes the
temporary files and releases the disk space.


Installer UNIX1 GB
Informatica Services UNIX2 GB

Verification of the temporary space
with the df

-bash-3.2$  df
-h /tmp

Unix User Account

On UNIX, create a user account infa91
specifically to run the Informatica daemon required for installation having
group privileges’ on Oracle and java groups

 Port Validation

Verify that the port numbers are available on the machines where you
install Informatica Services.

-bash-3.2$  netstat -tulpn|grep 6005

The installer validates the port
numbers that you specify to ensure that there will be no port conflicts in the

-bash-3.2$  netstat -tulpn|grep 6001

all processes could be identified, non-owned process info will not be shown,
you would have to be root to see it all.)

0      0
LISTEN      4935/java

-bash-3.2$  netstat -tulpn|grep 6002

all processes could be identified, non-owned process info  will not be
shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)

0      0
LISTEN      4935/java

-bash-3.2$  netstat -tulpn|grep 6003

all processes could be identified, non-owned process info will not be shown,
you would have to be root to see it all.)

-bash-3.2$  netstat -tulpn|grep 6004

all processes could be identified, non-owned process info will not be shown,
you would have to be root to see it all.)

 Environment Variables

systems use the LANG variable to specify the desired locale but
you can use also the set locale function.

Obtain Locale Values

To obtain the
locale names for your UNIX system, enter the following:

infa@chetltst201 $ locale -a | grep -i en
























File Descriptor

Informatica service processes can use
a large number of files. Set the Linux – File Descriptorlimit
per process to 3000 or higher.

In the file /etc/security/limits.conf, add
this line:


hard   nofile    3001

soft   nofile    2500

And verify with the ulimit function
logged as the power center system user account:

-bash-3.2$  ulimit -Hn


The limit is set to 3001 to prevent
an error with the value 300 during the prerequisites check

Installation directory and Permission

As root, create the installation base directory:




755 informatica



755 pc91



755 software

As the installer (powercenter), copy the file to software directory, unzip and untar it:

961 Software Installation      

Enter the choice(1 or 2):1
Checking for existing 9.6.1 product installation.
Unset the INFA_HOME,INFA_NODE_NAME and INFA_DOMAINS_FILE before continuing
the installation. Continuing the installation with the environment variables set
will cause the installation to fail.
Installer will exit now.
OS detected is Linux
* Welcome to the Informatica 9.6.1 Server Installer.  *
Before you continue, read the following documents:
* Informatica 9.6.1 Installation GuDEV and Release Notes.
* B2B Data Transformation 9.6.1 Installation, Configuration GuDEV and Release Notes.
You can find the 9.6.1 documentation in the Product Documentation section at http://mysupport.informatica.com.
Configure the LANG and LC_ALL variables to generate appropriate code pages and
create and connect to repositories and Repository Services.
Do you want to continue? (Y/N)Y
Installer requires Linux version 2.6.18-0 or later versions of the 2.6.18 series or version 2.6.32-0 or later versions of the 2.6.32 series.
Current operating system Linux version 2.6.32-431.
Current operating system meets minimum requirements.
Select to install or upgrade:
  1. Install or upgrade Informatica.
   Select this option if the machine does not have Informatica services installed or if it has Informatica 9.5.1 or an earlier version installed.
  2. Install or upgrade Data Transformation Engine Only.
  Select this option to install or upgrade only Data Transformation Engine.
Enter the choice(1 or 2):1
Checking for existing 9.6.1 product installation.
To verify whether the machine meets the system requirements for the Informatica installation or upgrade, run the Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool before you start the installation or upgrade process. It is recommended 
that you verify the minimum system requirements.

Select one of the following options:
1. Run the Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool
2. Run the Informatica Kerberos SPN Format Generator
3. Run the Informatica services installation
Select the option to proceed : (Default : 3)1
Preparing to install…
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive…
Unpacking the JRE…
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive…
Configuring the installer for this system’s environment…
The value for the DISPLAY variable is not valid. Set the DISPLAY variable to the graphics display server or unset the variable.
Do you want to continue the Informatica Services Installation (y/n) ?y
Preparing to install…
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive…
Unpacking the JRE…
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive…
Configuring the installer for this system’s environment…
The value for the DISPLAY variable is not valid. Set the DISPLAY variable to the graphics display server or unset the variable.
/opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/SOFT>unset DISPLAY
OS detected is Linux

* Welcome to the Informatica 9.6.1 Server Installer.  *

Before you continue, read the following documents:
* Informatica 9.6.1 Installation GuDEV and Release Notes.
* B2B Data Transformation 9.6.1 Installation, Configuration GuDEV and Release Notes.
You can find the 9.6.1 documentation in the Product Documentation section at http://mysupport.informatica.com.
Configure the LANG and LC_ALL variables to generate appropriate code pages and
create and connect to repositories and Repository Services.
Do you want to continue? (Y/N)Y
Installer requires Linux version 2.6.18-0 or later versions of the 2.6.18 series or version 2.6.32-0 or later versions of the 2.6.32 series.
Current operating system Linux version 2.6.32-431.
Current operating system meets minimum requirements.
Select to install or upgrade:

  1. Install or upgrade Informatica.
   Select this option if the machine does not have Informatica services installed or if it has Informatica 9.5.1 or an earlier version installed.

  2. Install or upgrade Data Transformation Engine Only.
   Select this option to install or upgrade only Data Transformation Engine.

Enter the choice(1 or 2):1
Checking for existing 9.6.1 product installation.
To verify whether the machine meets the system requirements for the Informatica installation or upgrade, run the Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool before you start the installation or upgrade process. It is recommended 

that you verify the minimum system requirements.

Select one of the following options:
1. Run the Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool
2. Run the Informatica Kerberos SPN Format Generator
3. Run the Informatica services installation
Select the option to proceed : (Default : 3)1
Preparing to install…
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive…
Unpacking the JRE…
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive…
Configuring the installer for this system’s environment…

Welcome – Step 1 of 4
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]
Informatica Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool
The Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool verifies the minimum system and database requirements for the Informatica services installation or upgrade.
Press to continue …
System Information – Step 2 of 4
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]
Informatica installation directory: (default :- /opt/infa/svc-abc-snd) :/opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/Informatica/9.6.1
Informatica starting port number: (default :- 6005) :7888
Database and JDBC Connection Information – Step 3 of 4
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]
Use Custom String
    * 2->NO

Database type:
    * 3->Oracle
Database user ID: (default :- INFA_DEV_SND_DOM) :
Database user password: :
Custom String :jdbc:informatica:Oracle://TEST-ora01.TESTING.com:1771;DatabaseName=indev
System Check Summary – Step 4 of 4
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]
Informatica Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool Results
[Pass] Disk Space: Available disk space is 18,628 MB. Sufficient for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] Processors: Available number of processors is 2. Sufficient for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] Physical Memory: Available physical memory is 16,326 MB. Sufficient for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] Temporary Space: Available temporary disk space is 4,379 MB. Sufficient for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] Ports: Port range is 7,080 – 7,084. All port numbers within the port range are available for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] Locale Environment Variable: The LANG environment variable is set to language C. The LC_ALL environment variable is set to language C. Sufficient for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] JRE_HOME Environment Variable: The JRE_HOME environment variable does not contain a value. Sufficient for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] File Descriptor Limits: The file descriptor limits per process is 1620107. Sufficient for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] RESOURCE Privilege: The database user account has the RESOURCE privilege. Sufficient for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] CREATE TABLE Privilege: The database user account has the CREATE TABLE privilege. The installer successfully created a database table.
[Pass] CREATE VIEW Privilege: The database user account has the CREATE VIEW privilege. The installer successfully created a database view.
[Information] Informatica Installation Directory: /opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/Informatica/9.6.1
[Information] Informatica Starting Port Number: 7080
[Information] Database Type: Oracle
[Information] Database User ID: INFA_DEV_SND_DOM
[Information] Operating System: Operating system is Linux. Operating system version is 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64.
[Information] RAM: The memory module size is 16,326 MB.
Press Enter to quit the pre-installation system check…
Do you want to continue the Informatica Services Installation (y/n) ?y
Press Enter to quit the pre-installation system check…
Do you want to continue the Informatica Services Installation (y/n) ?y
Preparing to install…
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive…
Unpacking the JRE…
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive…

Configuring the installer for this system’s environment…

Installation Type – Step 1 of 7
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]
Select to install or upgrade:
    * 1->Install Informatica 9.6.1.
Select this option to perform a full installation of Informatica 9.6.1.
      2->Upgrade to Informatica 9.6.1.
Select this option to upgrade previous versions of Informatica products to Informatica 9.6.1.
Enable Kerberos network authentication
    * 1->No
Installation Pre-Requisites – Step 2 of 7
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Verify the installation pre-requisites and complete the
pre-installation tasks before you continue.
Disk Space Requirement: 7 GB
Memory Requirement (RAM): 4 GB
Database Requirements
– Verify the Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, or Sybase ASE database version.
– Verify the database user account. The account must have permissions to create and
drop tables and views, and insert, update, and delete data.
Pre-installation Tasks
– Obtain the Informatica license key.
– Verify the minimum system requirements.
– Set the environment variables.
– Verify the port availability.
– Set up the keystore file.
– On UNIX, set the file descriptor limit.
– On UNIX, configure POSIX asynchronous I/O.
– Download and extract the Informatica installer files.
– Run the Informatica Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool.
– If you are enabling Kerberos network authentication, run the Informatica Kerberos SPN Format Generator.
Press to continue …
License Key – Step 3 of 7
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Enter the license key file (default :- /opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/license.key) :/opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/SOFT/LicenseKeyName.key

Installation Directory – Step 3 of 7
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]
Enter the installation directory (default :- /opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/Informatica/9.6.1) :
Pre-Installation Summary – Step 4 of 7
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]
Product Name     :      Informatica 9.6.1 Services
Installation Type        :      New Installation
Installation Directory   :      /opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/Informatica/9.6.1
Disk Space Requirements
Required Disk Space      :      6,999 MB
Available Disk Space     :      18,628 MB
Press to continue …

Installing – Step 5 of 7
Domain Selection – Step 5A of 7
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]

    * 1->Create a domain
      2->Join a domain
Enable secure communication for the domain
    * 1->No
    * 1->Enable HTTPS for Informatica Administrator
      2->Disable HTTPS
Port: (default :- 8443) :8445
    * 1->Use a keystore file generated by the installer
      2->Specify a keystore file and password:
Generating keystore…

Domain Configuration Repository – Step 5B of 7
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Configure the database for the domain configuration repository:
Database type:
    * 1->Oracle
Database user ID: (default :- INFA_DEV_SND_DOM) :
User password: :
Configure the database connection
      1->JDBC URL
    * 2->Custom JDBC Connection String
Custom String (default: jdbc:informatica:Oracle://TEST-Ora01.TEST:1771;DatabaseName=idev)

Domain Security – Encryption Key – Step 5C of 7

[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]
Keyword: : TESTING123
Encryption key directory: (default :- /opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/Informatica/9.6.1/isp/config/keys) :
Information !!! The encryption key will be generated in /opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/Informatica/9.6.1/isp/config/keys
with the file name siteKey. You must keep the name of the domain, the keyword for the encryption key,
and the encryption key file in a secure location. The domain name, keyword, and
encryption key are required when you change the encryption key for the domain or move a repository to another domain.

Select a Choice
    * 1->OK
Domain and Node Configuration – Step 6 of 7

[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Enter the following information for the Informatica domain.
Domain name: (default :- Domain_TEST-dapp-inf01.TESTING.com) :Domain_DEV96San
Node host name: (default :- TEST-dapp-inf01.TESTING.com) :TEST-dapp-inf01
Node name: (default :- node01_TEST-dapp-inf01.TESTING.com) :TEST-dapp-inf01
Node port number: (default :- 7080) :
Domain user name: (default :- Administrator) :Administrator
Domain password: (default :- ) :
Confirm password: (default :- ) :
Display advanced port configuration page
    * 1->No

Executing Command…

Defining domain…

Registering plugins…

Starting service…

Pinging domain…

Pinging domain…

Pinging domain…

Pinging Administrator…

Pinging Administrator…

Pinging Administrator…

Pinging Administrator…

Post-Installation Summary – Step 7 of 7
Installation Status SUCCESS

The Informatica 9.6.1 installation is complete.
For more information, see the debug log file:

Installation Type :New Installation
Informatica Administrator Home Page::

Product Name:  Informatica 9.6.1 Services


3. 961 Software Installation                  

Enter the choice(1 or 2):1
Checking for existing 9.6.1 product installation.
Unset the INFA_HOME,INFA_NODE_NAME and INFA_DOMAINS_FILE before continuing
the installation. Continuing the installation with the environment variables set
will cause the installation to fail.
Installer will exit now.
OS detected is Linux
* Welcome to the Informatica 9.6.1 Server Installer.  *
Before you continue, read the following documents:
* Informatica 9.6.1 Installation GuDEV and Release Notes.
* B2B Data Transformation 9.6.1 Installation, Configuration GuDEV and Release Notes.
You can find the 9.6.1 documentation in the Product Documentation section at http://mysupport.informatica.com.
Configure the LANG and LC_ALL variables to generate appropriate code pages and
create and connect to repositories and Repository Services.
Do you want to continue? (Y/N)Y
Installer requires Linux version 2.6.18-0 or later versions of the 2.6.18 series or version 2.6.32-0 or later versions of the 2.6.32 series.
Current operating system Linux version 2.6.32-431.
Current operating system meets minimum requirements.
Select to install or upgrade:
  1. Install or upgrade Informatica.
   Select this option if the machine does not have Informatica services installed or if it has Informatica 9.5.1 or an earlier version installed.
  2. Install or upgrade Data Transformation Engine Only.
  Select this option to install or upgrade only Data Transformation Engine.
Enter the choice(1 or 2):1
Checking for existing 9.6.1 product installation.
To verify whether the machine meets the system requirements for the Informatica installation or upgrade, run the Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool before you start the installation or upgrade process. It is recommended 
that you verify the minimum system requirements.

Select one of the following options:
1. Run the Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool
2. Run the Informatica Kerberos SPN Format Generator
3. Run the Informatica services installation
Select the option to proceed : (Default : 3)1
Preparing to install…
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive…
Unpacking the JRE…
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive…
Configuring the installer for this system’s environment…
The value for the DISPLAY variable is not valid. Set the DISPLAY variable to the graphics display server or unset the variable.
Do you want to continue the Informatica Services Installation (y/n) ?y
Preparing to install…
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive…
Unpacking the JRE…
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive…
Configuring the installer for this system’s environment…
The value for the DISPLAY variable is not valid. Set the DISPLAY variable to the graphics display server or unset the variable.
/opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/SOFT>unset DISPLAY
OS detected is Linux

* Welcome to the Informatica 9.6.1 Server Installer.  *

Before you continue, read the following documents:
* Informatica 9.6.1 Installation GuDEV and Release Notes.
* B2B Data Transformation 9.6.1 Installation, Configuration GuDEV and Release Notes.
You can find the 9.6.1 documentation in the Product Documentation section at http://mysupport.informatica.com.
Configure the LANG and LC_ALL variables to generate appropriate code pages and
create and connect to repositories and Repository Services.
Do you want to continue? (Y/N)Y
Installer requires Linux version 2.6.18-0 or later versions of the 2.6.18 series or version 2.6.32-0 or later versions of the 2.6.32 series.
Current operating system Linux version 2.6.32-431.
Current operating system meets minimum requirements.
Select to install or upgrade:

  1. Install or upgrade Informatica.
   Select this option if the machine does not have Informatica services installed or if it has Informatica 9.5.1 or an earlier version installed.

  2. Install or upgrade Data Transformation Engine Only.
   Select this option to install or upgrade only Data Transformation Engine.

Enter the choice(1 or 2):1
Checking for existing 9.6.1 product installation.
To verify whether the machine meets the system requirements for the Informatica installation or upgrade, run the Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool before you start the installation or upgrade process. It is recommended 

that you verify the minimum system requirements.

Select one of the following options:
1. Run the Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool
2. Run the Informatica Kerberos SPN Format Generator
3. Run the Informatica services installation
Select the option to proceed : (Default : 3)1
Preparing to install…
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive…
Unpacking the JRE…
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive…
Configuring the installer for this system’s environment…

Welcome – Step 1 of 4
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]
Informatica Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool
The Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool verifies the minimum system and database requirements for the Informatica services installation or upgrade.
Press to continue …
System Information – Step 2 of 4
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]
Informatica installation directory: (default :- /opt/infa/svc-abc-snd) :/opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/Informatica/9.6.1
Informatica starting port number: (default :- 6005) :7888
Database and JDBC Connection Information – Step 3 of 4
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]
Use Custom String
    * 2->NO

Database type:
    * 3->Oracle
Database user ID: (default :- INFA_DEV_SND_DOM) :
Database user password: :
Custom String :jdbc:informatica:Oracle://TEST-ora01.TESTING.com:1771;DatabaseName=indev
System Check Summary – Step 4 of 4
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]
Informatica Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool Results
[Pass] Disk Space: Available disk space is 18,628 MB. Sufficient for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] Processors: Available number of processors is 2. Sufficient for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] Physical Memory: Available physical memory is 16,326 MB. Sufficient for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] Temporary Space: Available temporary disk space is 4,379 MB. Sufficient for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] Ports: Port range is 7,080 – 7,084. All port numbers within the port range are available for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] Locale Environment Variable: The LANG environment variable is set to language C. The LC_ALL environment variable is set to language C. Sufficient for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] JRE_HOME Environment Variable: The JRE_HOME environment variable does not contain a value. Sufficient for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] File Descriptor Limits: The file descriptor limits per process is 1620107. Sufficient for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] RESOURCE Privilege: The database user account has the RESOURCE privilege. Sufficient for the Informatica installation.
[Pass] CREATE TABLE Privilege: The database user account has the CREATE TABLE privilege. The installer successfully created a database table.
[Pass] CREATE VIEW Privilege: The database user account has the CREATE VIEW privilege. The installer successfully created a database view.
[Information] Informatica Installation Directory: /opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/Informatica/9.6.1
[Information] Informatica Starting Port Number: 7080
[Information] Database Type: Oracle
[Information] Database User ID: INFA_DEV_SND_DOM
[Information] Operating System: Operating system is Linux. Operating system version is 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64.
[Information] RAM: The memory module size is 16,326 MB.
Press Enter to quit the pre-installation system check…
Do you want to continue the Informatica Services Installation (y/n) ?y
Press Enter to quit the pre-installation system check…
Do you want to continue the Informatica Services Installation (y/n) ?y
Preparing to install…
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive…
Unpacking the JRE…
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive…

Configuring the installer for this system’s environment…

Installation Type – Step 1 of 7
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]
Select to install or upgrade:
    * 1->Install Informatica 9.6.1.
Select this option to perform a full installation of Informatica 9.6.1.
      2->Upgrade to Informatica 9.6.1.
Select this option to upgrade previous versions of Informatica products to Informatica 9.6.1.
Enable Kerberos network authentication
    * 1->No
Installation Pre-Requisites – Step 2 of 7
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Verify the installation pre-requisites and complete the
pre-installation tasks before you continue.
Disk Space Requirement: 7 GB
Memory Requirement (RAM): 4 GB
Database Requirements
– Verify the Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, or Sybase ASE database version.
– Verify the database user account. The account must have permissions to create and
drop tables and views, and insert, update, and delete data.
Pre-installation Tasks
– Obtain the Informatica license key.
– Verify the minimum system requirements.
– Set the environment variables.
– Verify the port availability.
– Set up the keystore file.
– On UNIX, set the file descriptor limit.
– On UNIX, configure POSIX asynchronous I/O.
– Download and extract the Informatica installer files.
– Run the Informatica Pre-Installation (i9Pi) System Check Tool.
– If you are enabling Kerberos network authentication, run the Informatica Kerberos SPN Format Generator.
Press to continue …
License Key – Step 3 of 7
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Enter the license key file (default :- /opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/license.key) :/opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/SOFT/LicenseKeyName.key

Installation Directory – Step 3 of 7
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]
Enter the installation directory (default :- /opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/Informatica/9.6.1) :
Pre-Installation Summary – Step 4 of 7
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]
Product Name     :      Informatica 9.6.1 Services
Installation Type        :      New Installation
Installation Directory   :      /opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/Informatica/9.6.1
Disk Space Requirements
Required Disk Space      :      6,999 MB
Available Disk Space     :      18,628 MB
Press to continue …

Installing – Step 5 of 7
Domain Selection – Step 5A of 7
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]

    * 1->Create a domain
      2->Join a domain
Enable secure communication for the domain
    * 1->No
    * 1->Enable HTTPS for Informatica Administrator
      2->Disable HTTPS
Port: (default :- 8443) :8445
    * 1->Use a keystore file generated by the installer
      2->Specify a keystore file and password:
Generating keystore…

Domain Configuration Repository – Step 5B of 7
[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Configure the database for the domain configuration repository:
Database type:
    * 1->Oracle
Database user ID: (default :- INFA_DEV_SND_DOM) :
User password: :
Configure the database connection
      1->JDBC URL
    * 2->Custom JDBC Connection String
Custom String (default: jdbc:informatica:Oracle://TEST-Ora01.TEST:1771;DatabaseName=idev)

Domain Security – Encryption Key – Step 5C of 7

[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]
Keyword: : TESTING123
Encryption key directory: (default :- /opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/Informatica/9.6.1/isp/config/keys) :
Information !!! The encryption key will be generated in /opt/infa/svc-abc-snd/Informatica/9.6.1/isp/config/keys
with the file name siteKey. You must keep the name of the domain, the keyword for the encryption key,
and the encryption key file in a secure location. The domain name, keyword, and
encryption key are required when you change the encryption key for the domain or move a repository to another domain.

Select a Choice
    * 1->OK
Domain and Node Configuration – Step 6 of 7

[ Type ‘back’ to go to the previous panel or ‘quit’ to cancel the installation at any time. ]

Enter the following information for the Informatica domain.
Domain name: (default :- Domain_TEST-dapp-inf01.TESTING.com) :Domain_DEV96San
Node host name: (default :- TEST-dapp-inf01.TESTING.com) :TEST-dapp-inf01
Node name: (default :- node01_TEST-dapp-inf01.TESTING.com) :TEST-dapp-inf01
Node port number: (default :- 7080) :
Domain user name: (default :- Administrator) :Administrator
Domain password: (default :- ) :
Confirm password: (default :- ) :
Display advanced port configuration page
    * 1->No

Executing Command…

Defining domain…

Registering plugins…

Starting service…

Pinging domain…

Pinging domain…

Pinging domain…

Pinging Administrator…

Pinging Administrator…

Pinging Administrator…

Pinging Administrator…

Post-Installation Summary – Step 7 of 7
Installation Status SUCCESS

The Informatica 9.6.1 installation is complete.
For more information, see the debug log file:

Installation Type :New Installation
Informatica Administrator Home Page::

Product Name:  Informatica 9.6.1 Services