EDF – Edifecs 8.6 Installation Steps


8.6 Installation Steps


  1. Introduction
  2. Pre-Requisites

2.1.  Update .profile

  1. Edifecs software installation HIPPA

3.1. HIPAA Standards install

3.2. ECL standards install

3.3.  X12N standards install

3.4.  XEngine install6

3.5.  XEServer install

3.6.  XEServer hotfix install

3.7.  XEServer license install

3.8. EAM  Install

3.9. Update the EAM server port number

  1. Start EAM Server
  2. EAM  HotFix Install
  3. Test the installation

1.  Introduction

The purpose of this document is to provide insight and assistance for installation and configuration of Edifecs 8.6 version over Solaries / Unix Environment. Who is Edifecs? Edifecs is a leading healthcare technology company with the mission to improve healthcare outcomes, reduce costs and accelerate innovation. Edifecs empower healthcare organizations to scale the partnerships required by payment, care delivery and access reform initiatives that are redefining the healthcare industry.

2.  Pre-Requisites

  1. Stop all processes.  Terminate where necessary.
  2. Verify and note the path set for $ECRootPath
  3. Verify Oracle Solaris is v 10:  cat /etc/release
  4. Verify java version is 1.8x:  java -version
  5. Verify Perl is installed:  perl -v
  6. Verify GNU Tar is installed:  info tar
  7. Verify glibc libraries are installed
  8. Verify compat-libstdc++-33 libraries are installed

2.1.  Update .profile

Update user .profile with respective environment variables over the system.

3.   Edifecs software installation HIPPA

3.1.   HIPAA Standards install

tar -xvzf HIPAAInstEdifecs.tar.gz./HIPAAGuidelineInstaller-solaris-sparc

3.2.   ECL standards install

tar -xvzf ECL2InstEdifecs.tar.gz./HIPAAECL2Installer-solaris-sparc

3.3.   X12N standards install

tar -xvzf X12NInstEdifecs.tar.gz X12NInstaller-solaris-sparc

3.4.   XEngine install

tar -xvzf .tar.gz XEngineInstaller-solaris-sparc_64 Update current session to load $XERoot

3.5.   XEServer install

tar -xvzf XEServer_8.4.0.4017_20140506.tar.gz XEServerInstaller-solaris-sparc
Update current session to load $XESRoot

3.6.   XEServer hotfix install

Verify $XESRoot environment
variable before patchingjava -jar xes-hotfix-

3.7.    XEServer license install

Copy license.lic to $XESRoot location

3.8.   EAM  Install

tar -xvzf EAM_8.4.0.5612_20140415.tar.gzEAMInstaller-solaris-sparcUpdate current session to load $EAMRoot

3.9.   Update the EAM server port number

Determine an available port to use for EAMMake sure it is not used by another process: netstat -a grepvi configuration.product.xml $EAMRoot/Server/config//server/>

4.  Start EAM Server


5.  EAM

Open EAM client on your local machine. Right click on the left most pane and select “new”. Enter the server name and the port from the EAM server install. Expand your new connection that should now be in the left pane. Enter the default credentials:   User: admin   Pass: admin If the connection goes through, then the installation is successful.  Please refer to https://www.edifecs.com/ for more details.

6.  Test

Open EAM client on your local machine. Right click on the left most pane and select “new”. Enter the server name and the port from the EAM server install. Expand your new connection that should now be in the left pane. Enter the default credentials:   User: admin   Pass: admin If the connection goes through, then the installation is successful.  Please refer to https://www.edifecs.com/ for more details.